Tallis Scholars of London

By Christ Cathedral Concerts (other events)

Friday, March 31 2017 7:30 PM 9:00 PM PST
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Christ Cathedral Arboretum

13280 Chapman Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92840

The beautiful campus of Christ Cathedral, located in Garden Grove, California, is the site of the former Crystal Cathedral.  There are amazing buildings designed by America's leading architects. Christmas at the Cathedral will be held in the Arboretum, designed by Richard Neutra, is where Christ Cathedral Parish worships as it awaits the completion of the restoration of the famed cathedral building.  It houses an 82-rank Aeolian Skinner Organ, Opus 1141 built in 1951 and placed into the Arboretum in 1996 and named for the long-time Cyrstal Cathedral Organist, Dr. Fred Swann.