Hazel Wright Organ Rededication Weekend 2020

By Christ Cathedral Concerts (other events)

Fri, May 15 2020 5:00 PM PST Sun, May 17 2020 4:30 PM PST

Hazel Wright Rededication Weekend 

Friday, May 15 – Saturday, May 16 – Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Artists and Special Guests for the weekend:
David Ball 
Steven Ball 
Michael Barone 
Diane Bish 
David Crean
Paul Jacobs
Hector Olivera
Frederick Swann

The weekend events include:

Friday, May 15, 2020
5:00pm             Celebration Dinner 
7:00pm             Carillon Recital with Steven Ball 
8:00pm             Hazel Wright Rededication Concert with Frederick Swann, Paul Jacobs, Hector Olivera
                         Post-Concert Champagne "Meet the Artists" Reception (following the concert)

Saturday, May 16, 2020
10:00am            Hazel Wright Organ Demonstration with Crean, Ruffatti & Swann
11:45am            Carillon Recital with Steven Ball
12:30pm            Chef-made gourmet box lunch
1:15pm             David Ball Recital on the Fred Swann Organ
2:00pm             Book & CD Signing with David Crean, Fred Swann & David Ball
4:00pm             Masterclass with some of our featured artists of the weekend on the Fred Swann Organ

Sunday, May 17, 2020
2:30pm             Carillon Recital with Steven Ball
3:00pm             Concert with Hector Olivera on the Hazel Wright Organ



Club Harmonique (For ORGANISTS) - $5,000 (8 spots available)
Sponsorship Benefits Include:   Access to all events
Front Row Console Seating for both concerts
Reserved front seating at the Celebration Dinner
Reserved seating at the Post-Concert Champagne Reception
Reserved front seating at the David Ball Recital on the Fred Swann Organ and lunch
15-minute Private Console time (Saturday AM) & photo with Fred Swann on the Hazel Wright Organ    
Special Gift Package including the “Hazel” book, CD 
Name listing in the Rededication Weekend Concert Programs           

Club En Chamade (For EVERYONE) - $5,000
Sponsorship Benefits Include:   Access to all events for 2 people
Special Reserved Seating on the Main Floor for both concerts
Reserved front seating at the Celebration Dinner
Reserved seating at the Post-Concert Champagne Reception
Reserved front seating at the David Ball Recital on the Fred Swann Organ and lunch
Special Gift Package including the “Hazel” book, CD 
Name listing in the Rededication Weekend Concert Programs           


Club La Force (For ORGANISTS) - $1,500 (16 spots available)
Sponsorship Benefits Include: Access to all events
Second & Third Row Console Seating for both concerts
Reserved front seating at the Celebration Dinner
Reserved seating at the Post-Concert Champagne Reception
Reserved front seating at the David Ball Recital on the Fred Swann Organ and lunch
Special Gift Package including the “Hazel” book, CD 
Name listing in the Rededication Weekend Concert Programs


Weekend “All Events” Pass (no handicap access – concert seating in section F) - $390

Weekend “All Events” Pass (handicap access – concert seating in sections A, B, C) - $290


Celebration Dinner
Friday, May 15, 2020 at 5pm
Christ Cathedral Cultural Center, 1st Floor

Hazel Wright Rededication Concert
Friday, May 15, 2020 at 8pm
Christ Cathedral

MAIN FLOOR (w/Handicap Access)
Sections A, B, C - $100
Sections D, E - $50

BALCONIES (no Handicap Access)
Section F - $150  
Section G (East & West) - $100
 Section H (East & West) - $50

Post-Concert Champagne Reception
Friday, May 15, 2020 at 10pm (following Concert)
Christ Cathedral Cultural Center, 3rd Floor

All-Access Saturday Pass
Saturday, May 16, 2020 from 10am – 10pm
Christ Cathedral Campus (multiple locations)
$35 (open seating for all events)

Saturday events include:
Hazel Wright Organ Demonstration with Crean, Ruffatti & Swann
Carillon Recital with Steven Ball
Chef-made gourmet box lunch
David Ball Recital on the Fred Swann Organ
Book & CD Signing with David Crean, Fred Swann & David Ball
Masterclass with some of our featured artists of the weekend on the Fred Swann Organ

Concert with Hector Olivera on the Hazel Wright Organ
Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 3pm
Christ Cathedral 

MAIN FLOOR (w/Handicap Access)
Sections A, B, C - $50
Sections D, E - $25

BALCONIES (no Handicap Access)
Section F - $100
Section G (East & West) - $50
Section H (East & West) - $25



Mailing Address

12141 South Lewis Street Garden Grove, CA 92840